Wednesday, May 9, 2007

機動戦士ガンダム バストアップコレクション 戦場の漢達 ランバ・ラル

In July Bandai will release a PVC figure of Ramba Ral, one of the most remarkable character of Zeon, known as Aoki Kyosei (青き巨星) since he paint his Zaku I into blue color and later Gouf to fight with Amuro's RX-78-2, and die as a real soldier.

The figure will be about 20 cm tall, plate included with the figure.

The figure is about 7000 yen and will release sometime in July.

No picture available yet.

Friday, April 13, 2007

ドラゴンボールZ ピラフマシン 完全合体

A giant robot from Dragon Ball Z. It is about 250 m tall when 3 parts combine together.

Release date: April, 2007

Suggested price: 15,000 yen

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2: かすみ -ヴァーゴ- 完成品フィギュア コトブキヤ版

Kasumi From DOA Extreme 2. The figure is in 1/6 and is about 150 mm tall. Include a DOA 10 years memorial in the bottom of the figure's stand.

Release date: April, 2007
Suggested price: 7900 yen